Joe Lieberman Pumps Up Jim Webb

webb_powersFormer U.S. Senator Joe Liberman (I-Conn.) has kind words for former U.S. Senator Jim Webb (D-Va.):

I am encouraged by Sen. Webb’s focus on bipartisanship in his campaign — especially given his proven track record of success — and that we have yet another candidate in the race so committed to working with Congress. As we have seen over the years, when our politicians toe the party line instead of collaborating, it is the American people who suffer the consequences. Partisan politics just doesn’t work.

This seems to be a consistent hammer with the Webb campaign: bipartisanship, an appeal to the honorable middle, and a motley collection of individuals who have stood out from the crowd.

Worth reading.

If the Democrats have the wisdom to append Webb as a VP candidate, watch out… I am still convinced that this is the pincer movement that Republicans may not survive.

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