The Conservative Wahoo: How To Cage Iran

iran_flagSome extended thoughts on the Iran deal over at one of the best blogs in Virginia you’re not reading right now:

A point often made by supporters of this deal is that it wasn’t a deal about Israel, and it wasn’t a deal about conventional weapons, it wasn’t about prisoners, and it wasn’t a deal about their terror activities.  Such a deal would have been–in their words–“impossible”.  Like my old CO Jake Ross used to say, “you want it bad, you get it bad”.  They wanted the limited objective of slowing Iran’s quest for the bomb so badly that they walked away from anything bigger, and then allowed themselves to be whittled down even there as to the objectives that they sought connected even with this limited goal.  Supporters tell us that all of these other “side” issues would have muddied the water–and then don’t have an answer for all of the places within the ACTUAL negotiation where we backed down from public statements.

Been stalking Bryan McGrath’s blog for some time.  There’s quality stuff over at The Conservative Wahoo.

Read it all.


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