As Iran Deal is being debated, CRFV Chairwoman speaks of her time in Israel

Over the past few months, the Obama Administration has negotiated what could be its worst foreign policy mistake (or deal, depending on your political persuasion).  This Iranian deal will lead to the Iranian government obtaining a nuclear weapon. I don’t think it will make it past a skeptical Congress.

In light of this, I reached out to College Republican Chairwoman Kasha Nielsen to tell me about her trip to Israel. Ms. Nielsen was selected by AIPAC to attend a Young Political Leaders trip. After the Iranian deal was released, Kasha wanted to write about her experience and wanted to express her concern about the Iran nuclear deal. Ms. Nielsen had this to say to Bearing Drift: 

“During the course of my trip to Israel in June of this year, I had the opportunity to explore the beauty of the nation of Israel and the history of the region along with fellow representatives of the College Republican National Committee, in addition to student representatives from the College Democrats of America, Historical Black Colleges and Student Government leaders.

“While we support different presidential candidates and have our college schedules saturated with different classes and majors guided by different passions; we came together, sharing one vision for the continuation of peace in our world, through protecting the existence and security of Israel.

“The Iran Deal that has come before the American people earlier this week allowing for the existence of nuclear facilities within the state of Iran has clearly articulated a leniency towards states who are unfavorable towards international peace. I shrink from this recent decision made by our American leaders. America cannot bear in mind the possibility of Iran prevailing in its agenda with the destruction of Israel. Our pursuit in a free and prosperous international community cannot be burdened with loose engagement with dangerous administrations which threaten those individuals who value democracy and equality.

“Americans taking a deep interest in the welfare of prosperity and defense in America lies at the foundation of Israel.

“While I fear for the continuation in the future intercourse of harmony in the region, I am also encouraged by this generations college leaders in advocating for greater protection of the defense of America and the strength of Israel.

“The security and existence of Israel is a bipartisan issue and will continue to unite students of different faiths, backgrounds and political parties.

“Above are pictures of me and College Republicans hiking Masada. Built by King Herod, overlooking the Dead Sea; it’s a surviving fortress symbolizing the fight of Israeli patriots against the Romans in 73 CE.”



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