I Am Having A Hard Time Writing About The Planned Parenthood Scandal…

pp_moneybag_300pxTypically, I get knocked a bit for writing posts that go the full op-ed length.

I can’t do that with this one.

This scandal has been ongoing for 15 years or more.  The video that broke it open?  Is over a year old.  There are more coming — and they are worse than this one.

I hear disgust.  What I don’t hear is either the outrage or the introspection of the political right.  We became a society that is seemingly content to destroy life — our future — for a bag of cash, or more horrifyingly, is willing to equivocate in order to excuse the grisly business of abortion culture in America.

…and it happened a long time ago.

A great deal of Catholic spirituality involves of standing apart from the world while still remaining involved in the world.  Protestant America’s denouement is not a comfortable thing to watch, though.  All one has to do is look at the decline of the mainline churches, and see it translated into the decline of American values and American culture.  Was the foundation built on sand after all?  A disconcerting thought.

Now ought to be a time for counting and rallying, especially on a moral imperative so clear cut as this.  Yet all one sees is a political right at war with itself, or worse, becoming utopians and progressives in their own way.  That’s never what conservatism was about.

…and that’s what kills me here.  In two weeks, this will blow over.  Sure, some folks will keep the marketing pressure up.  Some folks will donate to the cause in order to self-identify as “true pro-lifers” and all that.  But will we have the moral and political courage to revoke Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding?  Or will the left — as it has done on so many other issues — find a wedge, split us, and laugh as we fold.  In the defense of human life, no less.

55 million dead babies, 2/3 of whom are minority children, and a square yard of fabric causes more outrage than the idea that we have exterminated a generation of Americans?

I’m at a loss.

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