Nancy Dye kicks off campaign with Ed Gillespie


Over the weekend, Nancy Dye kicked off her campaign for the 21st state Senate District at an event in Roanoke with former Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie as the special guest. Dye is currently challenging Democratic incumbent John Edwards and Democrat-turned-Independent Don Caldwell.

There were almost 50 attendees at the Saturday event. Delegate Greg Habeeb, Gillespie, and Nancy Dye spoke to volunteers for about 20 minutes. Topics included the “greatest hits of the Republican Party” — lower taxes, more take home pay, no Medicaid expansion, & more coal. After the event, Dr. Dye and about 15 volunteers (including myself) went out to knock doors in Roanoke City.

I got a chance to talk to Ed about the upcoming primary vs. convention vote and the current state of the Virginia GOP.  I also caught up with Dr. Dye to ask her about her campaign. 

For more event coverage, check out Alicia Petska’s piece over at the Roanoke Times.


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