Daily Press: Cuccinelli Returns Gift From Segregationists


Cuccinelli wasn’t available today to talk about it, according to political director Mallory Rascher.

“We have only recently become aware of this matter and plan to donate the contribution in an effort to aid those affected by the tragedy in South Carolina,” Rascher said in an email. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims’ families.”

The council, in a statement of principles adopted in 2005, describes itself as opposted to “all efforts to mix the races of mankind.” They have a statement up about the shooting, and the shooter’s apparent reference’s to council materials.

This one will be in the oppo file for the next 20 years, to be sure.

Sadly — not the first time Cuccinelli has walked right up to the line, if one recalls the whole Confederate-era lapel pin made for the Office of the Attorney General:

The image on the pin is nearly identical to the one that appears on a Virginia state flag captured during the Civil War from a regiment in Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia by a Pennsylvania regiment.

State Sen. Donald McEachin sees the tie to the Confederacy as “very intentional.”

“I think he’s strengthening his own hand with his base so he can get a nomination for a higher office,” McEachin says.

Brag Bowling, who serves as the commander of the latter-day Army of Northern Virginia, now a division of the International Sons of Confederate Veterans, hopes that the use of the image is a statement in support of state’s rights. “The state is getting trumped by the federal government,” he says. “If that’s why he did it I’m all for it. I think it’s a good thing.”


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