Virtucon: The Grand Compromise of 2016

Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. —Harry S. Truman

The Republican Party in Virginia is about to make a ludicrous decision that could cost the Republicans the White House and the Governor’s Mansion. If the Conservative Fellowship of the State Central Committee of the Republican Party has their way, they will choose to nominate the state parties’ choice of Presidential Candidate by convention in 2016.

I cannot begin to address how ridiculous this could be. Thousands, if not millions of Virginians would not get their chance to express their support for their chosen Presidential candidate. Many voters in far Southwest and other parts of the state would be disenfranchised due to the time commitment and cost of attending a convention. Conventions can be hijacked by un-electable candidates with no chance of winning, and can lead to extreme inter-party fighting with no resolution to the problem.

Chip Muir, the Richmond City GOP Chairman and a State Central Committee member from the Third District will offer a compromise resolution before SCC. In his proposal, the 2016 nomination contest would be determined by primary, and the 2017 nomination for Governor, LG, and AG would be determined by convention. This would require both wings of the party to compromise and give each other something they both desperately want.

If you have not had a chance to check out my friend Chip’s post over at Virginia Virtucon, I would encourage you to do so. Here is a snippet of the article.

I am making the following proposal to the State Central Committee, on which I serve, and on which I have twice voted for conventions. In exchange for a Presidential primary to be held on March 1, 2016, RPV will nominate our 2017 statewide candidates by convention. As part of this compromise, RPV will dedicate a percentage of the revenues received in 2015 and 2016 to fully fund the 2017 convention before the turnover in State Central seats in the summer of 2016, up to $200,000 and including deposits on convention space. This proposal is the only option available to SCC if we are to win Virginia for the Republican nominee in 2016 and elect a Republican Governor in 2017.

What are the four dirty words in the Republican Party? They are: 1) compromise, 2) statesman, 3) RINO, and 4) conservative. In the current Republican Party, a compromise is an abandonment of principle. A statesman is a person who abandons principles by offering compromises for political opportunity. In our definition, a RINO is a person who votes Republican, attends Republican events, donates to Republican candidates, volunteers for Republican causes, and has participated in an electoral primary and is not totally at war with the notion of doing it once again, as long as it’s a Republican primary. A conservative, in our definition, is a person who votes Republican, attends Republican events, donates to Republican candidates, volunteers for Republican causes, and has participated in an electoral convention and is not totally at war with the notion of doing it once again, as long as it’s a Republican convention. In this editorial, I am hoping to assert myself as the poster child for all four dirty words, because, once again, what is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right.

In my effort to be a statesman, I have offered this compromise, knowing full well that I will alienate both RINOs and conservatives. But I believe the negative initial reaction that I receive will in the end turn out to be the saving grace for the party over the next two years, and that is why I’m willing to be criticized. In our recent litmus test years of convention vs. primary, SCC members have never been given a third option, let alone a third option that will work. This offer is that workable third option, and the best option.

This offer works because it will allow RPV to most effectively allocate the financial and human resources at its disposal. Put another way, RPV can carry Virginia in 2016 and 2017 by using this deal to gain the strongest financial position it has seen for almost 10 years, and by focusing the efforts of party leaders, party members, and volunteers on those two elections starting this summer. This position is where we need to be as a party for the next two-and-one-half years, and taking on any other issues is just a distraction from that mission.

This compromise accomplishes three goals: 1) It reduces the intra-party fighting that is bound to occur over the next 13 months; 2) It allows RPV and its units to focus their attention on preparing for elections; and 3) It allows RPV to raise funds, significant funds, by showing to the public that we are, for the first time in quite some time, able to work together and govern ourselves through prioritizing electoral success rather than party control.

Chip’s proposal is further explained, but let me start by saying this. I, Matt Colt Hall, endorse this plan 115%. I’m exhausted from fighting the inter-party fights and I  am ready to see some leadership in this party. I applaud the bold stance of Chairman Muir’s proposal, and I applaud his willingness to put his name forward. This is our opportunity to put the fighting behind us and start winning again.

This isn’t going to be easy. My “RINO” cohorts are going to have to put aside their will to have a primary in 2017. My “Tea Party” friends will have to give up their goal to have a 2016 convention. But, in the end, we will come out stronger as a party. Sometimes, no matter which organization you are working with, it is necessary to compromise in the name of progress. Let us move the party away from the fighting and let us start winning again.

I am proud to endorse a “Grand Compromise of 2016” and I encourage all members of the State Central Committee to support this motion.

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