Stimpson Campaign Manager Calls It Quits

howell_stimpsonJohn Fredricks posted this to his Facebook page late this evening. 

Stimpson Campaign Manager Out

“Susan Stimpson’s longshot bid to oust House Speaker Bill Howell, a 28 year veteran of the Virginia General Assembly took a nose dive Friday when her campaign manager Rollin Reisinger resigned unexpectedly.

Reisinger, a young gun who is aligned with highly regarded political consultant Tim Edson says he and his candidate for House District 28 “did not see eye to eye on campaign strategy.”

Edson has remained Stimpson’s chief political consultant. Edson personally recruited Reisinger for the Stimpson campaign last December.

With a June 9 primary looming, the Stimpson camp reportedly engaged Jordan Labiosa, a holdover from her failed campaign for Lt. Governor in 2013 to pick up the slack.

Labiosa came under fire two years ago for offensive social media posts — which have since been scrubbed –and for slating convention delegates for Stimpson in Campbell County.

New Morning Line Odds – Howell minus 19

With six weeks to go, Howell is now a prohibitive favorite, and we have moved his morning line odds from minus 14 to minus 19: Howell 59.5 percent to Stimpson 40.5 percent.

This race is quickly approaching blow-out status. Stimpson needs a momentum changer to get back in contention.”

Now the last time I wrote about this race, I got BLASTED. But I would like to say this. Whether her CM was axed or left on his own, this is not a good sign for Mrs. Stimpson. I don’t care who you are, losing a Campaign Manager a month before your primary is a bad omen for your campaign. With a $145K+ cash on hand disadvantage and losing a CM a month before the primary, it isn’t looking positive for Mrs. Stimpson.

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