Tonight, President Obama wasted yet another opportunity to lead. #SOTU

Tonight, President Obama wasted yet another opportunity to lead. The American people sent a clear message in November that they wanted a smaller and more fiscally responsible government which promoted greater freedom and economic opportunity. Yet Barack Obama remained defiant in the ?#?SOTU?, essentially telling Americans he would continue to mortgage our future by enslaving future generations with the very debt he said he wanted to prevent.

He pledged to continue reckless spending with new entitlement programs, despite having already doubled the national debt in only six years.
He purposed to stop economic development opportunities such as the keystone pipeline which would bring thousands of jobs and millions of dollars to our national economy – not to mention major progress towards energy independence.
He promised to veto any attempt to reverse the devastating effects of Obamacare for individuals and businesses.
He proposed a plan for more “free” government services, including college education or all.

America did not become the greatest nation in history through government handouts and burdens on industry, but through hard work, ingenuity, integrity and morality. We cannot realistically expect our future will be any brighter with the failed policies of this President and his “progressive” agenda.

Few would dispute that America is headed in the wrong direction. We must act swiftly to repudiate the failed policies of the past six years and work to restore our place as the “shining city on a hill”.

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