Obama is a Latin American Empty Chair (UPDATED)


Tito Munoz — also known as “Tito the Builder” — is instantly recognizable from his hard-hat days introducing such luminaries as former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin back in 2008 with his “Born in Colombia, but Made in the USA!” speeches, emblematically representing working-class conservatives across the nation.  Munoz has continued to remain active in Virginia and local politics in his home county of Prince William.  

Most of President Obama’s interest in Hispanics has been related to his desire to push through immigration reform. His ability to manipulate this issue is a masterpiece — he will use it as long it will help his party divide Americans. But while most voters are concentrating on the conversation about immigration, there are other issues that should be of our interest.

The main issue we should be focused on when it comes to Latin America is the liberty and prosperity of the American people and the people in our hemisphere. Obama is an empty chair when it comes to relations with the Latin American countries. He shows no interest in issues like trade, commerce, security, terrorism and the famous “War on Drugs”.

Last week, Senator Marco Rubio visited Colombia to have conversations with members of President Santos’s government. They talked about free trade, economic growth, the peace talks with the terrorist group FARC, and about the efforts to stop the flow of hard drugs like cocaine and heroin) into the USA, especially drugs that come to Mexican Cartels and get funneled through our southern border.

In addition, members of Congress met on Monday, November 10th with the Colombian Minister of Defense Pinson about national security and cooperation with the USA. The discussion was centered on the effort against drug traffickers and terrorists and how to better accomplish cooperation between our nations related to defense.

I would like to know what our representatives gained in knowledge during their trip to Colombia and what their current opinions are as a result of what they learned. I will be calling DC and asking information from these Congressional representatives.

Many Conservatives and Republicans will ask, “Why we should care?” when it comes to Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela or Cuba. One huge reason to care is there is a strong Russian military sympathy in far more places than existed in the early 1980’s when Cuba was the only Soviet satellite. Now they have Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia and other Latin nations as potential allies who also are in turn allied with Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

Gorbachev is warning us of the possible new cold war and we should heed that warning as it is now dangerously close.

Remembering those days, I prefer not to live them again.

We can see the new initiative of Russia as we saw in the past with navel vessels in cooperation in the Caribbean Sea with Hugo Chavez’s Venezuelan government. Now Russian planes are in the mix right here in our own backyard, the Gulf of Mexico, where we have a lot of oil exploration and extraction.

I am traveling to Colombia next week and will be learning about the Colombian Government and FARC peace talks and how and if this will affect our National Security as these negotiations continue. This will be an opportunity to bring back information to Conservatives and Republicans about the use of our tax dollars in Colombia. I will seek opinions from the citizens and grassroots activists there to determine if they feel the Santos government uses our aid to promote the policy citizens favor, in the interest of true security and a lasting peace. I go with an open mind and the eye of a cautious cynic.

Colombia is the door to South America, the same as Mexico is the door to Central America for U.S. commerce and national security.

I hope to bring good news, but I am not optimistic from what I have already heard.

Forbes Magazine has named FARC as one of the wealthiest terrorist organizations in the world, and in 2012 the Colombian government gave an even greater annual number on the revenue obtained by these terrorists. It’s fair to question how anyone could say that crimes does not pay when faced with billions of dollars proving otherwise. Drugs like cocaine and heroin are a huge money-making enterprise for these terrorists organizations.

Appearances are that the Santos government is not interested in our national security or in giving us a good return or positive performance for our tax payers’ investment.

So the question we face is why should the United States continue to provide military and economic help to the government of President Santos when he has no intention to protect our national security and American interests? We shouldn’t – and any assistance should be removed until President Santos proves willing partner in the region.

UPDATE: Yesterday, Marco Rubio spoke out concerning the Obama Administration’s policies toward Columbia, Cuba and Venezuela:

During a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing today, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) questioned President Obama’s deputy secretary of state nominee, Antony Blinken, regarding U.S. policy toward Venezuela, Colombia and Cuba…

Regarding U.S. policy with respect to Colombia, Rubio asked whether the Obama Administration would ever consider commuting the sentences of Colombian drug traffickers currently imprisoned in the U.S.. Although the nominee pledged to consult closely with Rubio and the committee on such a policy, he did not categorically rule out the possibility.

This is what many of us have suspected concerning the “peace” negotiations in Colombia and the Obama administration’s complicit silence on how they will act (or not) in regard to FARC terrorists who have killed and kidnapped Americans.

These FARC terrorists are now serving sentence in U.S. prisons. There is a possibility that Obama and his administration will release these criminals if a “peace” agreement in Colombia demands it, because this is one of the FARC’s demands. Rubio’s questions point to this very concern.

Here are a few of the people serving sentence who have committed crimes against the people of the United States:

Also the Obama administration is failing to pressure the Santos Government to use our tax money to hep us capture and extradite these fifty Narco-Terrorist FARC under indictment: http://www.justice.gov/usao/nys/pressreleases/March06/farcindictmentpr.pdf

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