Comstock campaign missing an opportunity?

The political class is all aglow with what they consider a John Foust gaffe.

At an appearance the other night, Foust claimed that his opponent, Barbara Comstock, has never held a “real job.”

Well, of course, we all know that’s hogwash.

She’s been a small business owner, senior partner of a law firm, stay at home mom, to name a few. Not to mention her service to the country and the commonwealth in many capacities.

However, instead of making the play about her, which it seems her campaign has done, they have missed a golden opportunity to stick it to Foust.

In Virginia, unemployment rate is going up. In the country, we have stagnated for years under Democratic leadership. This election, and so many before it, has always been about jobs and the economy. Instead of talking about Barbara and defending her record, they need to be talking about the Democrats and their woeful record at getting the job done.

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