State Central Update: Reruns in Campbell and Fauquier, Deal Cut in 2nd District and the Beach

The bulk of State Central Committee deliberations are over after a marathon session that lasted over eight hours (and they’re still in Executive Session as of this writing).

In the most watched issue of the day, Senator Frank Wagner, Curtis Colgate and the rest of the 2nd District and Virginia Beach delegations worked together on a compromise that will result with Curtis Colgate being the 2nd District Chairman and Ken Longo remaining chairman of the Virginia Beach Republican Committee.  That saves the party from what would have been a bitterly divisive rerunning of the Virginia Beach mass meeting, and lets the second largest jurisdiction in Virginia focus on elections, not internal party fighting.

In Campbell County and Fauquier, however, the party nonsense goes on. Both committees have been ordered to rerun their respective mass meeting and canvass , with RPV supervision.

Not a word was spoken about Bob FitzSimmonds or his replacement, which makes it clear that what I suggested – that his resignation is not really a resignation, just a papering over – is what’s happening.

I’m happy that a compromise was worked out in the 2nd District, but I remain convinced that this entire issue would have been better resolved in December rather than now. And for folks in Campbell and Fauquier, instead of focusing on the election in November, they’ll be spending their time redoing work that was already done.

At the end of the meeting both Chairman Mullins and others stressed that the point of the RPV is to beat Democrats, not fight with each other.

Hopefully now that this nonsense has worked itself out, we can start focusing on winning in November.

Thanks to Bearing Drift’s own Jim Hoeft for the updates and on the scene reports.

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