VBC announces its legislative goals

The Virginia Black Conservatives have just announced their legislative priorities for the 2015 General Assembly session.

Restoration of rights for prisoners – make it automatic for those convicted of non-violent crimes to have their rights automatically restored

Education reform – performance based funding, the approval of additional charter schools

Creation of free enterprise zones – businesses won’t be required to pay certain taxes (BPOL) or implement certain regulations for ten years if they move into economically disadvantaged areas around the state; tax credits and guaranteed loans for individuals who wish to start businesses in those areas (democratization of capitalism)

Criminal justice reform – creation of special family courts across the state, like the one in Richmond, to handle the most difficult issues and cases (non-payment of child support, custody issues, etc.) in more sensitive ways; expand job training services, as well as educational opportunities, for prisoners ‘

Additional reform of state welfare programs – expand and require job training for recipients, provide/require nutritional and financial literacy classes for recipients, pro-rate payments for recipients who are working

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