Republican attacks FAA ban on flights to Israel

Most political junkies are starting to notice the rhetorical battle between the Obama Administration and Senator Ted Cruz regarding the FAA’s decision to suspend flights to Israel, ostensibly for safety reasons (Joel Gehrke, NRO – The Corner). Something tells me the Democrats will quote Cruz in their fundraising emails for weeks to come, if not months.

Here’s the thing, though: Cruz was not the first elected Republican to criticize the FAA’s actions. That honor goes to the former Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, who did more than just carp about it yesterday:

This evening I will be flying on El Al to Tel Aviv to show solidarity with the Israeli people and to demonstrate that it is safe to fly in and out of Israel. Ben Gurion is the best protected airport in the world and El Al flights have been regularly flying in and out of it safely. The flight restrictions are a mistake that hands Hamas an undeserved victory and should be lifted immediately. I strongly urge the FAA to reverse course and permit US airlines to fly to Israel.

El Al, of course, is still flying to Ben Gurion.

I’m going to guess that the legion of Cruz-bashers will never even notice – never mind address – Ex-Mayor Mike’s criticism.

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