Conflict of interest in Richmond stadium deal?

Imagine that the Republican mayor of a state capitol city has a pet project that he wants done. He’s already managed to reduce the transparency of where public money is going, stiff-arm one of his party’s ground-breaking leaders, and now he wants to ensure there’s a sweet deal for another group he’s involved with: the state party, of which he happens to be chairman.

Do you think, perhaps, The Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, etc. might give this little set-up a second look?

Of course they would! Heck, if we can have a year’s-worth of coverage over a Rolex watch, I’m sure that this bombshell would warrant calls for investigations, new legislation, stern editorials, etc. as well, right?

But, alas, we’re not talking about a Republican, now, are we? We’re talking about Richmond Mayor Dwight Jones – so we’re certain everything is completely above reproach.

Of course, it’s not as if Shockoe Bottom incidents involving Democrats haven’t been buried before.

J.R. Hoeft is the founder of

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