Warner wants it both ways…on Medicare

Did you know that Mark Warner voted to cut Medicare to pay for Obamacare?

As we examine Mark Warner’s “radically centrist” voting patterns, we find that in supporting Obamacare, he also supported (vote #72) cutting Medicare Advantage – a key program for seniors – by $206 billion. From Bloomberg:

“Consumers who choose Advantage plans are opting for managed care with benefits including lower out-of-pocket costs over the traditional government-run Medicare program for the elderly and disabled. Government payments have been under pressure since 2010, when the U.S. health expansion was financed in part by reducing spending on Advantage plans by an estimated $206 billion over a decade.”

However, as reported earlier this week, Democrats are trying to cover their tracks on this vote and delay the cuts until after the midterm elections; so, the White House complied. It will only be a matter of time before these cuts go in effect, but it will be long after Warner hopes to gain re-election.

Speaking of Obamacare, Health and Human Services Secretary Katherine Sebelius is resigning. Perhaps “His Excellency” should take the hint too.

J.R. Hoeft is the founder of BearingDrift.com.

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