Cantor rips DeBlasio attack on charter schools

Virginia’s own Eric Cantor took the lead in blasting the New York Democrat’s order to shut down three charter schools (Washington Examiner):

“Mayor de Blasio has decided to continue his war against kids, most of whom live in poverty, by forcing charter schools to relocate or cancel scheduled openings. Poor and minority children deserve the best education opportunity possible, not to be stuck in failing schools because of the mayor’s hostility towards helping them. Tonight, parents will go to sleep worried that their kids will soon no longer have access to the education they need, and that is shameful. Most of these parents are struggling to get by, and their kids don’t deserve this,” said Cantor.

This isn’t the first time Cantor has gone after DeBlasio on this, but it took new urgency amid the mayor’s closure order, which is looking more and more like a personal vendetta against the charters’ operator, Eva Moskowitz (New York Post).

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