Democrat Wexton is going to be “tough” on the Tea Party, just like when…

…she was a prosecutor who was tough on rapists.

Media Research Center (MRC) alerts us to a new ad by Democrat Jennifer Wexton, a senate candidate in the 33rd District against Republican John Whitbeck and former Delegate and Republican Independent Joe May.

MRC transcribes the ad for us:

A woman assaulted at night by the reservoir. Another by an intruder who forced his way in through her bedroom window. And for so many, traumatized again by facing the criminal in court.

I’m Jennifer Wexton and as a prosecutor I put violent offenders in prison. In the Virginia Senate, I’ll fight just as hard against Tea Party Republicans who would take away a woman’s health care and her right to choose, even in cases of rape and incest. On election day, help me stand up for her.

Once again, a candidate goes to the extreme with their rhetoric. It’s one thing to say as a candidate that they will stand up for women’s rights, just like she did as a prosecutor. Totally acceptable. It’s quite another to directly imply that a difference in public policy is the equivalent to rape or incest by one’s opposition!

This sort of rhetoric ought to be loudly and roundly condemned by all in Democratic leadership – especially our new statewide elected officials.

If we’re looking to move back to the “Virginia way” of more civil discourse in the public square, then our leaders need to lead and not dismiss insulting and intentionally inflammatory rhetoric.

Perhaps this ad was meant to create buzz and public discussion. Perhaps Candidate Wexton is thrilled that someone in Hampton Roads now finally recognizes her name. However, there’s a special place reserved for people who look to self-aggrandize themselves without any qualms or ethical scruples.

In my view, Jennifer Wexton has disqualified herself from public office. Now it is up to the Democratic Party in Virginia, as well as Gov.-elect McAuliffe, Lt. Gov.-elect Northam, and Atty. Gen.-elect Herring to show us their leadership and moral compass.

(h/t: Virginia Virtucon)

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