Snyder won’t run against Warner

We can take Pete Snyder off the list of folks who may be considering a run against Mark Warner next year:

Pete Snyder, the Northern Virginia technology entrepreneur who lost a bid for the GOP nomination for lieutenant governor this year, will rejoin Fox News as a political and business commentator.

The move ends speculation that Snyder might be among the Republicans vying for the chance to challenge Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) next year. Snyder cannot seek public office under the terms of his contract with Fox.

There is plenty of speculation about who else may get into the race (and yes, there will be at least one more Republican running). But for Snyder, heading back to Fox is a solid move…so long as he doesn’t go blonde in the process.

There is, however, one minor corrective that should be added to the WaPo’s reporting. While it is arguably true that Snyder was a “favorite of many establishment Republicans in the lieutenant governor’s race,” it is also worth recalling that he had a lot of other support, too, and came very close to nabbing the tea party endorsement for the nomination.

Would he have won this past November? We’ll never know. But Snyder did show the warring Republican wings how to put aside differences when he came out four-square behind the candidacy of E.W. Jackson.

The party is going to need a lot more of this if it has any hope of future statewide success. And a few good ideas — and maybe even a few new ones — would help, too.

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