Prediction Contest Results

For the purpose of moving on to other things – and getting our winner their reward – even though the final outcome in the AG race has yet to be determined, I’m ready to announce the winner of our prediction contest.

The rules of the contest were to get closest to the actual result – and pick the winner. To calculate the error, I subtracted the current unofficial result from the predicted result and took the absolute value. I then summed the errors. The lowest number wins.

First, our baseline, the unofficial results from last night:

Mcauliffe: 48
Cuccinelli: 45
Sarvis: 7

Northam: 55
Jackson: 45

Obenshain: 50
Herring: 50

House of Delegates: D+1

JerseyRed predicted:

Mcauliffe: 48
Cuccinelli: 46 (-1)
Sarvis: 6 (-1)

Northam: 56 (-1)
Jackson: 44 (-1)

Obenshain: 50+
Herring: 50-

House of Delegates: D+3 (-2)

JerseyRed’ total error was 6.

Jeanine Martin:

Mcauliffe: 49 (-1)
Cuccinelli: 45
Sarvis: 6 (-1)

Northam: 55
Jackson: 45

Obenshain: 52 (-2)
Herring: 48 (-2)

House of Delegates: D+2 (-1)

Jeanine’s total error was 7.


Mcauliffe: 49 (-1)
Cuccinelli: 43 (-2)
Sarvis: 6 (-1)

Northam: 56 (-1)
Jackson: 44 (-1)

Obenshain: 50+
Herring: 50-

House of Delegates: D+3 (-2)

EBase22’s total error was 8.

Congratulations and thank you for taking the time to participate in the contest! Our winner receives their pick of anything from the Bearing Drift Store.

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