Catholic University Alumni Reject McAuliffe

Commencement ceremony 2013  Graduation_13_705.NEF 135NC_D3 Ed Pfueller 5/17/13

Terry McAuliffe and I share something in common — both of us had the privilege of attending the Catholic University of America.  Not all of us got the same education out of that experience, so it would seem… and there are several CUA alumni who are none too happy about the reputation of Catholic University or the Catholic Church being silently dragged into the mud.  

The following is a press statement from CUA Alumni Against Terry McAuliffe — worth every word:

Increasingly outraged by Terry McAuliffe’s gubernatorial campaign, alumni of the Catholic University of America are denouncing McAuliffe’s use of his Alma Mater to promote his campaign.  The ad hoc group of alumni is speaking out in light of Terry McAuliffe’s support for abortion on-demand and Obamacare, which forces Catholics and Catholic institutions to pay for coverage of abortion inducing drugs.

“Terry repeatedly tells voters he is a practicing Catholic and graduate of The Catholic University of America, while at the same time his campaign attacks the Catholic Church and Her teachings,” said Mary Beth Style, M.S.W., who graduated a year after Mr. McAuliffe.  

“Terry McAuliffe attacks Ken Cuccinelli for his consistent views supporting the dignity of the human person and seeing Christ in each person,” continued Style.  “While Ken and his family have provided support to pregnant women in need through pregnancy resource centers, Terry’s involvement starts and stops at taking a check from abortion providers who are getting rich off the misery of women facing the greatest challenge of their lives.”

“What kind of practicing Catholic makes abortion and contraception the cornerstone of his campaign?  With Obamacare’s disastrous implementation, Virginians losing their affordable health insurance, and government bureaucrats making more decisions about our families’ lives, the last thing we need are Terry McAuliffe’s dangerous policies,” said Style.  Helen Donovan, JD, Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law, (‘93), added, “We need a governor who will protect Virginians against the encroachment of the federal government.  Obamacare is just one example and Terry McAuliffe has pledged to broaden its reach.  Ken Cuccinelli has a proven record as Attorney General in resisting job killing, liberty restricting regulations from the federal government.”

Catholic University Alumni against Terry McAuliffe include:

Stephen Anderson, (‘11)
Eric Becraft (’79, ’81)
Mary Pat Becraft (’81)
Joanne Merrifield (’83)
William Gribbin (‘65)
Helen Donovan (’93)
Mary Beth Style (’80)
Helen Seader (’52)
Philip Seader (’55)

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