Bob McDonnell isn’t in the Washington Post today

I read through the Washington Post, and Governor Bob McDonnell isn’t in it. Not a mention of him in the Virginian-Pilot, either.

He made the Richmond-Times Dispatch yesterday, with a column by Jeff Schapiro (who turns RTD into Really Tired Dribble) that mentioned Bob’s great work on Education and Transportation…for about 25 words, and then launches into a slew of paragraphs repeating old news that Schapiro must be getting commissions for reprinting.

When Schapiro and his old, gray hair resorts to attacking McDonnell’s hair color, I’m left waiting for his coverage of pots versus kettles.

The rule of journalism these days is two-fold. One, report no good news about a Republican Governor. And two, if you must report good news, bury it in a sea of repeating the bad news.

And the Andy Fox rule: After asking absolutely no interview questions about Education, Jobs, Transportation or the economic comeback of Virginia and only asking questions about gifts and loans, ask McDonnell why he’s still talking about gifts and loans.

“I wouldn’t be talking about it if you weren’t asking me about it,” said Bob to Andy, who had no response.

Here are a few things the Washington Post, the Virginian-Pilot, the Daily Mess, er, Press, the Richmond Times Dispatch or any other self-respected newspaper couldn’t find enough space to print today.

Under Bob McDonnell, Virginia’s unemployment rate has fallen from 7.2% to 5.6%, while North Carolina’s is near 9% and Maryland is near 7%.

Virginia has lower unemployment than any state its size or larger, and outperforms 80% of states. We have the lowest unemployment within 800 miles, including all of the Southeastern US.

Under Bob McDonnell, major transportation improvements, both with his bond initiative and the 2013 plan, were implemented, something people named Kaine, Warner, Gilmore, Allen and Wilder were unable to do.

After the Kaine years of budget shortfall after budget shortfall, McDonnell’s budgets were in surplus every year and doubled the rainy day fund.

McDonnell saved Virginia’s AAA bond rating.

McDonnell grew exports of agriculture to an all-time high.

McDonnell put Virginia on the film business map, attracting major film productions like “Lincoln” to Virginia, so Virginia film professionals found work here rather than traveling to other states.

McDonnell launched over 1100 economic development projects and created over 115,000 net new jobs, the eighth highest number of jobs created in the country.

All this, and pension reform, increasing higher education access, ending the Tim Kaine rest stop closures and cutting billions in liberal spending to end the Kaine budget bleeding.

Not bad for the Governor who received the highest number of votes than any Governor in Virginia History and exactly 1,163,523 votes more than Jeff Schapiro ever received in his life.

We now return you to the slanted, liberal Virginia Newspaper corps who think the definition of news is to cut and paste themselves rather than report news.

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