Stay Classy, Jim Moran

Ah yes, Jim Moran — anti-Semite, puncher of 8-year olds… and now closet racist on the list of his achievements:

Moran described the other two candidates on the Democratic ticket, saying Herring will “be a terrific attorney general and likewise for Ralph Northam who is running against E.W. Jackson. Where he [Jackson] came from, he needs to go back.”

Let that one float around in your head for a little while.  If a Republican had said that about a black candidate for anything, how do you think it would be received and analyzed by the MSM?

But when Jim Moran — who ought to be in sackcloth and ashes for his missteps — makes a statement like this against E.W. Jackson?  Pfft…

Alas, if not for double standards, Moran and his ilk wouldn’t have any standards at all.

Why VA-08 hasn’t retired this clown, I will never quite fathom.

UPDATE:  Virginia Virtucon wonders why Moran thinks Jackson is so “uppity”:

Wow. Just wow. You’d think Moran believes Jackson needs to be reminded of his place…

But what else would you expect from a guy accused of assaulting an 8-year-old?


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