Just In Case You Needed a Reminder That Terry McAuliffe Is Dirty…

Washington Free Beacon is here to help:

The allegations came to light this week as McAuliffe, the Democratic candidate for Virginia governor, attended a fundraiser on Wednesday with Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, the chairman of the Democratic Governors Association (DGA), and Richard Sullivan, DGA’s treasurer.

Sullivan testified in 1999 that McAuliffe, then finance director for the Democratic National Committee (DNC), “took an active part” in a plan to illegally solicit contributions for the campaign of Ron Carey for president of the Teamsters union in exchange for the union’s financial backing during the 1996 elections.

McAuliffe, Sullivan recalled in 1999, “said that if we could get a $50,000 contribution for the Carey campaign, he knew we could get $500,000 for Unity [’96, a Democratic fundraising campaign,] from the Teamsters.”

“You help me, I’ll help you. That’s politics,” McAuliffe remarked when asked about the scheme. He denied any wrongdoing and was never charged with a crime.

Yeah, probably not the guy we need in the Governor’s Mansion right now.

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