Snyder swings at McAuliffe again with a “Tips on Searching for Terry” page

Lieutenant governor candidate Pete Snyder is lending a hand to those searching for answers about Terry McAuliffe and GreenTech Automotive. It’s a page on his campaign website called “Tips on Searching for Terry.” It seeks to provide answers on topics such as “Where is GreenTech Automotive,” “Is Terry Behind the Wheel of GreenTech” and, of course, “Where are All the Cars” and “Where are All the Jobs.”

It’s a pretty effective page. Tossing punches at McAuliffe? Check. Touts Snyder’s tech credentials? Check. Puts him on message with the top of the GOP ticket? Check.

And it’s this last point that is most intriguing. A candidate who is unsure about his campaign and delegate counts wouldn’t put time and resources into such an effort. Hmmm….

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