Poll: Should there be uranium mining in Virginia?

Yesterday, Senator John Watkins pulled his bill from committee that would have lifted the ban on uranium mining in Virginia.

“The emotion and fear that some have inspired on this subject have, for now at least, overcome the science and the engineering that we have worked so hard in Virginia to elevate in our educational systems and in our research facilities,” Watkins said.

He suggested that the McDonnell Administration should begin to write regulations, so that a future legislature then would have a basis to vote on lifting the ban:

“I am striking the bills today, then, in deference to the momentary political realities, but also in deference to those who say they want answers to the unanswered questions. I hope the Governor will direct his agencies to proceed under the APA to answer these questions via duly adopted regulations. And if he feels he lacks authority to do so, he certainly has the means to put that issue expeditiously before this Legislature.

“To do anything less than proceed with regulations is to bury our heads in the sand along with the Nation’s most valuable uranium deposit.”

So, tell us what you think? Should there be uranium mining in Virginia? Let us know in this simple survey! We’ll discuss the results in next Thursday’s newsletter. Subscribe today!

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