The real October surprise? Sandy

The last, biggest and ugliest October surprise of this election season isn’t Gloria Allred or Donald Trump. It’s Sandy, the storm that has had some people in the weather community standing on their chairs since last weekend. The reason is pretty simple: it’s going to be big, perhaps “historic” and maybe even catastrophic. And if you haven’t been paying attention, you really should be. Here’s the latest map, via Wxrisk:

This track is likely to change even more as we go through the weekend. But if Virginia’s recent history with bad storms is any indication of what we might expect in Sandy’s wake, be prepared for quite a few days without power. And if you live in the mountains, better find the snow shovel. For those along the shore…have you considered higher ground?

And tawdry as it seems, there are political implications to a storm this big. Game it anyway you want, but a massive, days-long blackout in northern Virginia, Philadelphia, New Jersey and elsewhere could lead to some very interesting possibilities (and demagoguery).

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