The History of the Democratic and Republican Parties in 45 Seconds

More awesome from Terrence Boulden over at Virginia Black Conservatives.

Boulden added the following via e-mail:

Time for the truth of our past be highlighted and not ignored. The Dems lied and have erased their own atrocities. It’s time for us to wake up and reclaim the truth our past and our Country.

Reminding Democrats that they are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Massive Resistance, welfare and abortion… and they will  go apoplectic.  Or attempt to insist that they all magically became Republicans with Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal.

Hell, I can think of at least one Virginia Democratic blogger who celebrates this legacy (no joke).  Considers himself a mighty benevolent progressive too.

I’m sure that soothes everyone’s consciences at night.

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