Kaine’s tax rhetoric has long been a source of confusion, even for those in his amen corner

The Kaine camp is pushing back against George Allen’s new campaign ad, which is to be expected. Can’t have a narrative working its way through the media bloodstream that Mr. Kaine might be interested in raising taxes on everyone. That’s the kind of concept that fits on a bumper sticker. And that means trouble (just ask Don Beyer).

But as I wrote yesterday, Kaine’s moment of honesty on taxes fits a pattern. It also shows us how his words can baffle even his defenders.

Way back in 2006, then-Washington Post reporter Michael Shear attempted to parse some of his statements to see if Kaine had broken a promise not to raise taxes as a candidate, then promptly proposed raising them once he was elected. Shear’s conclusion?

Did he break his promise?

Maybe it depends on what your definition of a promise is.

When even the folks in your amen corner are confused, you’ve got a problem. For Mr. Kaine, the problem is he wants to raise taxes on somebody because he believes government has a better use for the cash. Always has believed it, always will.

But taking the Walter Mondale plunge and saying so, in plain English, isn’t in Kaine’s DNA. The closest he comes is saying he’s open to the idea, or won’t rule it out. It’s all a part of being balanced — another term he’s long been fond of.

And in Kainespeak, “balance” is just a euphemism for “tax them all.” Always has, always will.

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