Where are the Obama signs? asks Warner

Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post yesterday relates this nugget from U.S. Senator Mark Warner:

In 2008, Warner said, “Obama for president” yard signs were everywhere. “People were coming in out of the blue to pay for the signs so they could put them up in their yards or carry them at the Labor Day events,” he said.

Last week, as he traveled the state with former Gov. Tim Kaine, who is now running for U.S. Senate, Warner looked for the signs. “Tim and I were commenting to each other that we weren’t seeing the same kind of things,” Warner said. “They weren’t buying the signs, let alone displaying them.”

To prove the point, there’s this video from the Labor Day Parade in Buena Vista. Notice something missing?

The Labor Day Parade in Buena Vista, VA is always a traditional political event in VA to show enthusiasm for candidates, put on a big display of campaign signage, and, in general, kick-off the fall campaign. There was one candidate’s representation notably absent: Pres. Obama.

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