Would Dems oppose sexual orientation abortion?

It’s the first thing I wondered when I read President Obama’s statement concerning abortion for sex selection. Let’s read it!

“The administration opposes gender discrimination in all forms, but the end result of this legislation would be to subject doctors to criminal prosecution if they fail to determine the motivations behind a very personal and private decision. The government should not intrude in medical decisions or private family matters in this way.”

Well, let’s take that statement and see where that takes us.

Suppose one could determine sexual identity in the womb. Discover Magazine has written about how the LGBT community has often said homosexuality is not a choice and isn’t something they can just change, and there may in fact be genetic determinants.

Suppose someone went into Planned Parenthood and said, “I have a gay baby in my womb, and I want an abortion. I only want straight children in my family!”

What would Obama do? Obama’s statement would seem to support abortions based on sexual identity the same way he would protect abortions for no reason more than “I wanted a boy, and it’s a girl.”

What would Planned Parenthood do? What would the gay community do?

What would Congressional Democrats do?

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