Will Democrats hold up budget for Dulles Toll Road money?

Gov. Bob McDonnell took action today to delay tolls for two years on the Downtown/Midtown tunnel expansion.

Will Democrats think that’s good enough to pass Virginia’s budget?

Dem leader Sen. Dick Saslaw threatened to kill the whole shebang if $300 million dollars wasn’t given to the Dulles Toll Road Phase II.

He’s still waiting.

Will Sen. Louise Lucas, who fought so hard to get tolls delayed for her constituents in Norfolk and Portsmouth, turn around and vote No to delaying those tolls?

Or will Dick Saslaw hold everything hostage to increase bonds (debt) $300 million more for his pet project?

Will Senators outside of Northern Virginia let Saslaw delay projects in their regions so Saslaw can get more money for his?

Read JR’s article on the $300 million for Dulles.

Can the Virginia Senate Democrats throw most of Virginia under the bus for the sake of one NOVA road and a metro connection?

We’ll find out this week when the General Assembly reconvenes.

“You ain’t got 21 votes in the Senate,” Senate Minority Leader Richard L. Saslaw, Fairfax Democrat, said during a tense meeting Thursday afternoon. “Not now, not next week, not next month, not in June. That’s the way it is.” (Washington Times)

Or not.

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