What Ever Happened To AFP-VA?

Remember the days when AFP-VA saw a tax hike, an infringement, or an unfunded mandate… and did this to it?

Yeah… me too.

Those were the days when Ben “the Apache” Marchi was running the joint.

Back in 2007, Marchi wasn’t well liked… by tax-hikers.  But he left behind a machine.  Morgan Griffith would probably not be a representative without AFP-VA’s help.  HB 3202 would probably be law without AFP-VA’s resistance.

So what happened to AFP-VA?

This year, we haven’t seen any activity out of these guys.  You used to get mail, robocalls, scorecards — THE BUS — all sorts of activity out of AFP-VA.  The last time I saw AFP in action?  Was when they took George Allen out on tour about a year ago… and Marchi was there with them.

This isn’t to blow smoke up Marchi’s skirt (other folks can do that for him).  But when Virginia loses it’s primary anti-tax voice in Richmond, something is seriously wrong.  Club for Growth is gone, AFP-VA is kaput.

Who’s looking out for us in Richmond, guys?

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