Pre-K funding increases in McDonnell budget

Yesterday, the Democrats were all atwitter about a possible $81 million cut in pre-K funding.

However, as we noted to their response, that funding savings actually comes from accounting for the kids who are enrolled in the program – not a made up number of the number of kids we WISH were in the program.

But even more than that, we’ve taken a harder look at the budget and discovered these numbers for the funding of pre-K:

FY 12: $62.7 million
FY 13: $68.1 million
FY 14: $68.6 million

To me, that looks like a $6.1 million increase in pre-k funding.

Only to Democrats would an increase of $6 million be a cut.

So, McDonnell’s budget increases funding for higher ed, k-12, and pre-k…has a $2.2 billion cash infusion into VRS…promises a 3% performance based raise for state employees if we can save $166 million in discretionary income.

If I wanted to see improvements in education, I’d be really happy with this budget.

Somehow, I don’t think the partisans will think that though.

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