Daily Press rolls out welcome mat for President Obama

The Daily Press’ op-ed pages welcomed President Obama to Hampton today.

From the editorial:

We understand cuts have to be made to get our country’s deficit spending under control. But maybe if you didn’t spend all that money on your stimulus program, we’d have some left for national defense allocations and we could avoid what promises to be draconian future cuts that threaten more economic pain for us.

And in my column, I write:

But taxpayer-funded bus tours are not really what we need. We need action. And so far, on this tour, the president is calling for nothing substantive.

“I need you to give Congress a piece of your mind,” Obama said Monday in North Carolina. “Tell your elected leaders to do the right thing.”

The question is, when are we going to tell the president to do the right thing?

Be sure to read both at the Daily Press.

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