The President’s incredibly shrinking Virginia bus tour

The RTD’s Andrew Cain reports that President Obama’s bus tour through Virginia to tout his jobs bill (which died a quiet death in the Democrat-controlled Senate), finally has a few details attached to it. Needless to say, the President isn’t making as many stops in the commonwealth as initially reported.

Mr. Obama will visit Emporia and spend the night in Hampton. As the RPV’s Garren Shipley noted in a press release, this revised itinerary should spare some embattled Virginia Democrats from having to make their own Sophie’s choice, including Roscoe Reynolds, Edd Houck, John Miller and Ward Armstrong.

But give the President credit for this: he’s not giving up on campaigning in Virginia entirely. Just most of Virginia. And particularly those places where his presence would actually benefit Republicans.

Eventually, his friendly territory options will become so narrow he will be relegated to taking the Metro.

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