Hampton Roads Still Conservative

A recent survey from the Social Science Research Center at Old Dominion University found that those in the Hampton Roads area who identify themselves as having a conservative ideology still dominate the political spectrum. In this survey completed by 681 adults, 37.9% identified as conservative, 33% as moderates, and 25.3% as liberal.

This remains largely unchanged since 2010, as most deviations are within the presumable standard of error (though none was given in the official report).

It must be noted that the question asked respondents to identify themselves as “extremely liberal, liberal, somewhat liberal, moderate or middle of the road, somewhat conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative” (no rotation of responses indicated); however in their analysis they reduced the responses to simply “liberal, moderate, and conservative.”

Had ODU provided cross-tabs or even question/response tables, I could have done a proper quantitative analysis. But they didn’t even provide a confidence interval or a margin of error.

Oh, and they spelled “Seventy-four” wrong…

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