PPP: Cuccinelli Leads Among Conservatives, Moderates

Earlier Lynn mentioned George Allen’s resounding lead against his GOP primary opponents in results of Public Policy Polling’s latest sweep of the Commonwealth.

But George Allen isn’t the only clear winner among Virginia Republicans. Ken Cuccinelli leads Bill Bolling in early gubernatorial polling, 45-21 overall. Among ‘very conservative’ voters, he leads 56-15. Cuccinelli’s appeal to moderates is the real story however, where he leads Bolling 40-22. He also leads 34-25 with ‘somewhat conservative’ voters as well.

As the first Attorney General to take on Obamacare, Cuccinelli has become something of a folk hero among Tea Party voters and other conservatives. His name recognition is astounding for the tier 3 statewide officeholder. According to PPP: “71% of GOP primary voters have an opinion about him and they break down favorably 56/15. Only 41% know Bolling and they break down 28% favorable and 13% unfavorable.”

Rick Perry also emerged as the favorite for President, gaining support from 20% of Republicans. He beat announced candidates like Mitt Romney (16%), Michelle Bachmann (15%), Sarah Palin (13%), Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich (6%) and down from there.

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