Jamie Radtke piles up the debt…and blames George Allen

Jamie Radtke has been talking a lot about the mess in Washington. She thinks she can fix it.

But her latest FEC reports shows that she’s $84,000 in debt, but only has $46,000 in the bank.

Raising money, in this economy and when there are multiple candidates is a difficult thing. It’s especially difficult when you’re not really registering in the polls.

But, who does Radtke blame?

From The Washington Post: “Here are the facts: When this campaign is over, Jamie’s debt will be paid and gone,” said Radtke spokesman Chuck Hansen. “Meanwhile, the $3.1 trillion in debt George Allen voted for while senator is still on our books.”

We’ve made the point time and time again. Radtke isn’t going to gain any traction if all she has is “Allen bad. Me good.”

Jamie Radtke has to get over the notion that George Allen is responsible for Original Sin.

All she’s really doing is pointing out that she doesn’t understand how Congress and the Federal Budget work.

Which is not surprising since she doesn’t seem to have a grasp on her own campaign budget.

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