The Importance of Remembering

Often on Memorial Day, Americans become so busy vacationing, grilling, and enjoying a day off of work that  we forget the sacrifice of the men and women whose sacrifice served to preserve our Republic.

Memorial Day originated as “Decoration Day,” in which communities would decorate the graves of fallen Civil War soldiers with flowers to honor their memory. As the years went by, the remembrance was expanded to include those who have fallen in all of our nation’s wars. The day has taken an especially relevant meaning now, as our soldiers are currently engaged in conflict overseas.

It is often understated how important it is to simply remember. By remembering the sacrifices of the past, we can be better equipped to step up ourselves and defend our future.

It is my hope that this Memorial Day we will all take some time to reflect, and in doing so, renew our commitment to the freedom and liberties that we hold so dear.

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