Obama Reportedly Admits “Under the Radar” Gun Control Agenda

“The Second Amendment in this country is part of our Constitution and the president of the United States is bound by our Constitution,” he said. “So I believe in the Second Amendment. It does provide for Americans the right to bear arms for their protection, for their safety, for hunting, for a wide range of uses.”  -Barack Obama, March 3, 2011

That’s the public Barack Obama who wants to reassure the rubes in fly-over country that he’s not after our guns.

Here’s the real Barack Obama, as quoted by Sarah Brady, the founder of Handgun Control, Inc. (since renamed “the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence”), on March 30, 2011 – less than four weeks after making the public statement quoted above:

“I just want you to know that we are working on [gun control].  We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

As is always the case with leftists like Barack Obama, the American people need to ignore what the leftists (and their “news” media) say and focus on what they actually do.  Our constitutional rights depend on it.

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