Terry McAuliffe is no hypocrite

I believe that green energy is a worthwhile investment. I also believe that taking care of those in our community who have suffered setbacks is a role of the individual, and not a role for the government.

On both those fronts, Terry McAuliffe is not just talking the talk, but walking the walk.

It’s not often a Democrat, particularly one as, umm, “outspoken” as McAuliffe is going to get kudos from me, but in this case – whether it’s buying a Chinese company and moving it to the U.S., re-tooling the Franklin paper mill, or being a “big ideas” guy on alternative energy – you have to give credit where credit is due.

HuffPo profiles the former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and likely 2013 gubernatorial candidate, in this feature article.

It’s a worthwhile read, if only to see how tough a candidate McAuliffe will be the second time around.

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