Obama 2012 Bumper Sticker: “It’s the 21st Century, Not The 18th Century”

Today I saw a car with a bumper sticker that said “Obama 2012:  It’s the 21st century, not the 18th century.”  In fairness to Obama, I checked his campaign web site and did not see this bumper sticker in the campaign store, so it does not appear to be an official Obama campaign bumper sticker.  Nevertheless, from the other bumper stickers in support of Obama displayed on this car, this bumper sticker clearly was meant to be supportive of Obama and reflective of his worldview.

So, what does this pro-Obama slogan mean?  Well, the reference to the 18th century clearly is a reference to the American Revolution and founding of the United States of America.  And the only possible meaning of this bumper sticker is that Obama believes (or at least his supporters understand him to believe) that the principles on which this country was founded are outdated and irrelevant to 21st-century America.  It further means that Obama’s governing principles are different than and supposedly superior to those founding principles.

Conservatives and libertarians have known all along that Obama and his leftist followers reject our country’s founding principles of limited government, maximum freedom, individual responsibility, free enterprise, and federalism.  We have also watched as Obama and his leftist allies, including the establishment news media, work day after day to obscure this fact and try to dupe the American people into believing that they believe in our founding principles even as they work to subvert and undermine those principles and replace them with programmatic leftist collectivist statist policies.

That’s why I found this bumper sticker to be so surprising:  It appears that Obama’s supporters are now so out of touch with mainstream America that they actually believe that renouncing our founding principles is a selling point to reelect Obama.

Works for me:  The Republicans should print these bumper stickers by the thousands and provide them for free distribution at all Democrat and leftist events.

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