Remembering Jennifer Byler

RPV Chairman Pat Mullins reminds us that this is the 10th anniversary of the death of Jennifer Byler, former RPV National Committeewoman and wife of 2nd District Chairman Gary Byler. One measure of a life is the positive effects that continue after a person is gone, and by that measure Jennifer Byler’s legacy of GOP leadership is considerable and growing. Republican women in Virginia who wish to increase their activism can now attend the Jennifer Byler Institute (JBI), founded in 2003 by Kate Obenshain.

I am a graduate of the JBI, as is BD contribute Krystle Weeks. In fact, the list of alumnae includes a who’s who of Republican women activists of all ages and locations in Virginia. Any GOP-inclined woman can apply to attend, and there is no charge to attendees. I cannot recommend the JBI strongly enough. Attending has two great benefits:
1. learning information on running for office, managing a campaign run, various kinds of activism, etc.; and
2. meeting and getting to know other Republican women, from college- to retirement-age.

Read more about Jennifer Byler, and the Jennifer Byler Institute here:

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