Redistricting Hearing #1: “Did [Democrats] Have a Bowl of Crack for Breakfast?!”

Yes, that’s a real quote.

One Jimmy Frost of Virginia Beach, in the growing public outcry at the Democrats openly-admitted attempts to gerry-mander Virginia Beach (population 400,000+) into one Senate district, with fractions consuming the rest of the city.

Democrats have gleefully announced their plans to draw State Senator Frank Wagner and State Senator Jeff McWaters into one district, yet their attempts to do so resulted in Wagner being paired with Chesapeake State Senator Harry Blevins.

Quotes from the first public hearing on redistricting:

Disgraceful. Vindictive. Mean-spirited. An abomination. Insulting and possibly illegal.

“Did you guys wake up and have a bowl of crack for breakfast?” asked Jimmy Frost of Virginia Beach. “If you strip a senator from us, we’re going to remember in November.”

“It pains us to see the dismemberment and disenfranchisement of the city of Virginia Beach,” said Gary Byler, chairman of the 2nd District Republican Committee.

“There’s no good reason this should happen to our resident senator,” Chesapeake City Councilwoman Debbie Ritter said. “Please, do not take our city and throw us into the trash heap.”

Pete Burkhimer, Chesapeake Republican chairman, called Blevins’ proposed district, which snakes in a great semicircle from the Dismal Swamp to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, “absurd on its face.”

Given the population comparisons in the Hampton Roads area, stripping a seat from Virginia Beach is outright politics while underserving the constituents in the city. Democrats have had a long history of the Justice Department rejecting their blatant attempts at manipulating the populace, in this case in a naked power grab to hold on to their last vestige of power.

See y’all in court.

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