Cuccinelli to take on the whole federal government in one big lawsuit.

Earlier today, Cuccinelli’s office announced the AG’s intention to sue the federal government back into the late 1700s.

Cuccinelli’s official spokesman told BD:

“Frankly, the AG is tired of messing around. Two piddly lawsuits just aren’t enough to roll back all the the federal government encroachments on Virginia sovereignty.”

“Federal regulations mandate how much ethanol we have to put in our gas tanks, keep Virginia from tolling interstates at every border, tell us what light bulbs we can use and how much water we can flush down our toilets. It’s time we put them in their place.”

After suing the federal government over the EPA’s CO2 endangerment finding and suing the federal government over a new health insurance mandate that conflicts with Virginia law, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli must have decided he still has too much time on his hands.

“The founders just wouldn’t have tolerated this kind of nanny state,” Cuccinelli told us: “You know, they rebelled over a tea tax!”

Cross-posted to AprilFoolsDay

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