George Allen Wins Latest Bearing Drift Senate Poll

For the second time in a row former Governor and Senator George Allen come in first in a totally unscientific and non-reliable poll from the Bearing Drift Center for Internet Studies.

With eleven choices Allen took 29% of the vote.

The next closest was Jamie Radtke with 21% of the vote. This despite her own personal Facebook plea for supporters to cast their vote for her.

Allen was also the clear winner in the January poll. The late December poll gave Radtke a slight three vote edge coming off her campaign announcement.

What does this mean? Not much really.

Conventional wisdom (no pun intended for those still pining for a convention over a primary) is that Allen is the candidate to beat. That Radtke spends much of her time attacking Allen is a pretty clear indication that she realizes that as well.

But no serious political observer would take this poll for anything more than it really is. Just a bit of fun.

That the Democrats are having trouble fielding a candidate and are vitually begging Tim Kaine to toss his eyebrow into the ring, is a good sign for Republicans. A crowded field means a healthy party.

* No trolls were harmed in the posting of this poll.

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