The end of the line for continuing resolutions?

54 Republicans jumped-off the “continuing resolution” train last night as another stopgap budget measure passed-through Congress 271-158.

While the focus might be on these so-called “defections”, interesting to note that 19 less Democrats supported this CR because it cut “too much.”

$4 billion was cut from the previous CR and $6 billion was cut in this CR, but defunding ObamaCare and Planned Parenthood has not occurred. For each CR, this has amounted to about $2 billion per week.

“I think this is tremendous leverage for leadership,” said conservative Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who voted against the measure. “Now, the [majority] leader and the Speaker have said we have taken this as far as we can go, and our members are not going to take it further unless we can get something.”

Most conservatives would like to cut at least $100 billion from the budget; Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has revised down his budget cut proposal from $500 billion to $200 billion.

Democrats have only proposed cutting $10 billion.

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