National Democrats Can’t Wait to Sack Kaine

Looks like national Democrats are just giddy with the prospect of Tim Kaine getting mauled by the eventual Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in ’12.  From the Politico:

“I think it ought to be somebody like Ted Strickland or Jennifer Granholm,” said Democratic lobbyist and strategist Steve Elmendorf, referring to the former governors of Ohio and Michigan. “You need a former elected official with stature who can be a surrogate on TV and elsewhere in the news media, and who comes from a state that will be important in the 2012 election.”

Strickland and Granholm are the names that come up most frequently. Whether this line of thinking is shared by the White House isn’t clear. President Barack Obama’s political advisers aren’t tipping their hand, nor are DNC officials. But that hasn’t tamped down speculation.

…and somewhere in Washington, an eyebrow is raised.

Nice to see that people are carving up Kaine’s DNC legacy before they give him the heave-ho.  With that sort of confidence, I’m sure national Democrats will be more than willing to smile and give him a thumbs up, before they send The Brow off to certain defeat.

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