Del. Garrett’s Sythetic Marijuana Bill Approaching Passage

Delegate Scott Garrett’s bill regulating synthetic marijuana is expected to pass soon and due to emergency clauses contained within the bill, it will go into effect relatively quickly.

As a physician, Scott Garrett is very qualified to speak to the health issues associated with synthetic marijuana which include instances of a rapid heart rate and well as seizures. He has spearheaded a bill that correctly addresses the drug problem. Synthetic marijuana has escaped the regulations that are currently in place for other similar substances and are often sold legally at both stores and on the internet.

The bill includes provisions which include making posessions of the substance a misdemeanor, first time offenders will qualify for probation at the judge’s discretion, someone who provides the substance to a friend can be charged with a misdemeanor, and those who distribute, sell, or manufacture of the substance can be charged with a felony. 

A final version of the bill is expected to be voted on today.

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